Tony Roberts is the British author of the Casca series from 2006 onwards. In 2000 he created the official Casca website and five years later contacted the owner of the franchise who was looking for a replacement to Paul Dengelegi to continue the series. Roberts wrote Casca 25: Halls of Montezuma in 4 months, his debut novel, and it was published in September 2006. His second novel, Casca 26: Johnny Reb was published in October 2007 and the third, Casca 27: The Confederate, in June 2008. Subsequent novels in the series have been Casca 28: The Avenger (September 2008), Casca 30: Napoleon's Soldier (March 2009), Casca 31: The Conqueror (June 2009), Casca 32: The Anzac (September 2009) and Casca 34: Devil's Horseman (September 2010).
A further Casca novel, Casca 35: Sword of the Brotherhood has been completed as of February 2011 and will be released late spring 2011. He is currently (as of February 2011) working on a Casca novel covering the American War of Independence.